The Heartland Tour

Mon., June 29 to Mon., July 6, 2015
Mon., July 4 to Mon., July 11, 2016

On the Heartland Tour, we�ll begin the roll through Missouri. This state will really get your attention with its rural beauty, Amish charm and extreme roller coaster terrain. You�ll get the picture as we cycle through Thousand Hill State Park. After we roll down into the Mississippi River Valley, cross the Mississippi River, the east is at hand. You�ll notice how much more vegetation and how green everything is here compared to the western half of the country. We�ll stretch out our legs again and hit the town Abe Lincoln made famous, Springfield, Illinois. The terrain settles down and the wheat fields turn to corn as we spin across Illinois and into Indiana. The farm lands gives way to the big city as we arrive in Indianapolis.

Check out this year's
Cross Country Challenge Scrapbook

Day Location Day's
Day 0 St. Joseph, MO 0
Day 1 Chillicothe, MO 90
Day 2 Kirksville, MO 83
Day 3 Quincy, IL 97
Day 4 Springfield, IL 106
Day 5 Champaign, IL 96
Day 6 Crawfordsville, IN 82
Day 7 Indianapolis, IN 62

  • $1,990 (Triple)
  • $2,390 (Double)
  • $2,790 (Single)

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