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The Fast America South Ride

Sat., Apr. 16 to Fri., May 13, 2016
The Fast America South Ride is an event for cyclists who want to see the U.S.A.......... Fast! It is our most challenging and aggressive fully supported 27 day coast-to-coast bicycle tour. Fast America Series rides give advanced cyclists the opportunity to see America in the best possible way, "From the seat of your Bicycle".

The Fast America South Ride will cycle through some of the most beautiful and scenic areas of America averaging 120 miles per day and cycle through 9 states. This is the perfect tour for cyclists who want to increase their cycling ability, learn new skills, see the country in just over a month or to train for a special event or triathlon. From the natural beauty of the southern Sierras and Rockies to spectacular river crossings like the Arkansas, Missouri and Mississippi, each day is a unique adventure in itself. You'll depart Orange County, California for an exciting ride to Savannah, Georgia, in 27 days and over 2,900 miles. See the beauty of America that only a cross country bicycle tour can offer.

Cyclists may register on-line for the ride of a lifetime. Make your commitment today and Register! Then start your training and get ready for a bicycle ride you will never forget!. And REMEMBER once you arrive at the ride start city, just sit back and let America by Bicycle take care of all the details, you just ride your bike everyday and explore America. Get ready for real cycling adventure.

Plan your cycling calendar now and don't miss the training window. For folks who cannot take 27 days off, we also offer this ride in three separate sections. Check out the Fast America South - Western Section, Fast America South - Central Section or the Fast America South - Eastern Section. And for more information, please follow the links on this web site.

Click Here for More Detailed Info and the Full Itinerary
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America By Bicycle - Fully Supported Bicycle Tours. --bicycle bike touring cross-country adventure dream cycling--

Also Available:
Fast America South - West Ride
Fast America South - Central Ride
Fast America South - East Ride

Check out our current
Fast South Journal

Tour Itinerary
Days Section (Leg) Day's
0-7 Costa Mesa, CA to
Albuquerque, NM
8-16 Albuquerque, NM to
Ft. Smith, AR
17-27 Ft. Smith, AR to
Savannah, GA

  • $5,500 (Triple)
  • $6,850 (Double)
  • $8,200 (Single)

  • America By Bicycle - Fully Supported Bicycle Tours. --bicycle bike touring cross-country adventure dream cycling--
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    America By Bicycle - Fully Supported Bicycle Tours. --bicycle bike touring cross-country adventure dream cycling--

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    Last Updated: Wednesday, 03-Dec-2014 19:40:12 CST

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